How To Start An Online Vape Shop: Why You Need A Good B2B Vape Shop OMS

Online Vape Shop

The vaping and e-cigarette market is valued at USD 22.8 billion as of 2022, a noticeable rise compared to its USD 3 billion value in 2016. The rising numbers can be attributed to changing consumer habits, with people switching to vaping to curb their tobacco cravings.  While not all experts concur, some studies show that […]

Posted in B2B

How Personalization Is Changing The Face Of B2B eCommerce

Personalization in B2B E-Commerce

eCommerce has always benefited from personalization. Personalization used to exist in the form of an in-store assistant and a sales representative who would develop a relationship with the customer over time and learn about their needs, pain points, and preferred methods of doing business. Digital technology advancements have drastically reduced the time required to understand […]

Posted in B2B

Ensure International Growth For Your B2B eCommerce Brand In 5 Steps

Ensure International Growth For Your B2B eCommerce Brand

When you are living in an age of global village – the world around you contracting into a singularized unit – you’d wonder why your business is still operating under the boundaries of geographical limitations.  Since 2020, the world has undergone a wave of dynamic changes, which have impacted the socio-economic and political landscape. Starting […]

Essential Things to Know About Order Management Systems

For mid to large-scale businesses, capturing, tracking, and fulfilling orders becomes challenging, especially if multiple sales channels exist. Ecommerce businesses face many challenges, such as aligning orders and inventory across different sales channels, meeting complex shipping schedules, tracking order fulfillment, reporting, analytics, and evaluation.  The order management system is designed to facilitate and automate the […]

How Does the QuickBooks Online Integration Work?

QuickBooks Online has been specially designed for small businesses and accountants. Businesses can manage their expenses efficiently and quickly and send out invoices that look professional. It is popular accounting software used worldwide by millions of users. It allows users to track expenses, send invoices, prepare taxes and conduct a quick P&L.  A direct connection […]

Top 5 B2B E-Commerce Trends of 2022

The B2B market is growing at the fastest pace ever and the digital exposure and a stark shift to the online world have much to contribute. In our last blog on Wholesale Order Management, you read about how 80% of B2B sales interactions will take place digitally by 2025. If this projection is to be […]

How to Choose an Order Management System To Grow Your Business

In every business owner’s life, the difficult part is to drive continuous growth. Thus, the scope of continuous learning and improvement comes into the picture.  To achieve this, you need to make sure that all aspects of your business are running smoothly and efficiently. One way is to create smarter processes and ways to make […]

Why Order Management Systems Matter Today: A Post Covid Analysis

OMS in 2022

When the global pandemic hit, it forced massive lockdowns in most countries and minimal in-person contact. This caused serious challenges for businesses. A year later, we are slowly repairing and building back our economy. Although COVID-19 still poses a challenge, businesses have found their own ways to adapt. This especially holds true for the wholesale […]