Tag Archives: inventory management

Holistic impact of AI or Automation in the order management process

Holistic impact of AI or Automation in the order management process

The order management process has become essential to maintaining both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in today’s hectic corporate climate. The field of client order management is changing dramatically with the introduction of AI and automation. This blog explores the advantages, difficulties, and prospective applications of automation and artificial intelligence in the order management process. […]

Read the complete guide before buying order management system in 2023

B2B eCommerce guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B eCommerce, having an efficient and reliable order management system is crucial for businesses to streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive growth. With numerous options available in the market, it’s essential to make an informed decision when selecting an order management system that aligns with your specific needs.  This […]

5 Best B2B eCommerce Platforms for 2023

B2B eCommerce is on the rise, and businesses are looking for the best platform to support their wholesale eCommerce needs. With so many B2B eCommerce platforms available, choosing the right one for your business can be challenging. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 B2B eCommerce platforms for 2023. Understanding B2B eCommerce B2B, […]

Top 10 Inventory Management Practices in the Apparels Industry

Best Practices in the Apparels Industry

The fashion & apparel industry has been the stalwart of growth & profitability for several years now. Brands that understand key trends in fashion and have an adaptive supply chain have garnered exponential growth. Since the inventory has practically unlimited shelf-life, as far as the distributors and retailers can maintain their goods’ quality, they can […]

Introduction to Multi-Channel Inventory Management

Introduction to Multi-Channel Inventory Management

If you’re engaged in online retail, you’ve either set up your own eСommerce site or utilize tools such as eBay and Amazon. As consumers are given more options to control their own buying experience, though, it becomes necessary to expand outside of a single marketplace. To accomplish this, you need an efficient multi-channel inventory management […]

A Wholesaler’s Guide to Inventory Management Systems

Inventory management Systems

Managing inventory and orders has become more complex and challenging in today’s multi-channel landscape, especially for Wholesalers growing rapidly online. Without a solid inventory management system, it becomes time-consuming and difficult to track inventory for different products across multiple fronts and channels. Carrying too much inventory ties up capital and warehouse space. Having too little inventory […]